Friday, December 20, 2013


For different purposes I've drawn a few sporty animals lately. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

update sketchbook

made some more drawings:

The last one I made after watching Heavy Metal Parking Lot. A great little video!


Last November I was part of an exhibition at the Singer Sweatshop in Rotterdam named "Metalshop". Art, music and performances all had something to do with the musicgenre. My contribution was a detailed triptich that depicts a frantic madness at a metalconcert.



Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I did some more work for Lebensbaum, and my plants&herbs drawings have been used for kitchenstuff.

Design by Hakotowi 

Graphic design by Hakotowi


Some sketches from beautifull Switzerland:

Monday, July 1, 2013


Friends of mine asked me to make the birth announcement for their son. I was honored with the request, and had total creative freedom. So instead of the usual cute stuff I tried a different approach...

 Having a first child can be a scary thing!

The parents to be liked the idea, so I went on drawing and painting:

The small portraits didn't make it too the final design, except for the cat, and a decision was make about the name: OTIS
This lucky kid has some cool parents!


I've been designing some logos too lately:

It's a tattoo for the fans of Shanty Crew Kreuzberg!

sketchbook updates

some new sketchbook drawings

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


My studio is in a nice and quiet backyard in Kreuzberg. But as soon as we leave the gate we are right in the actionpacked middle of this vibrant neighbourhood.

First I made a few thumbnails to get the angle right. I needed to figure out the best way to show the many different characters that roam the street. 

 Slowly getting there. In the process the charcters are taking shape as well.

Here the people in the background are still too small. I want to show them bigger, even though that means bending the rules of perspective a bit...

Now that everybody is more or less in place I startet filling in the charcters, thinking of all the details like fashion, style, expression etc.

The final drawing in pencil

 Inked with pen and brush...

...and the final illustration in Watercolor!