Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Pearls before swine

This new illustration for De Handhavingskrant was again a lot of fun. The article is about the use of music and smell in public spaces to prevent aggression.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hello! In case you wonder where I am; from october 21 untill november 5 I'll be on Sicily. Try to reach me on my cellphone if you really want to, all other means of communication are out of order.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I got caught crossing a red light by bike early in the morning at a pedestriancrossing without pedestrians. The police in plain clothes and a normal car were having an easy biker-catching day, 'cause that particular trafficlight is a useless one where nobody stops. German police are very accurate, they measured my crime, the light was already red for 16 seconds when I crossed it. I drew the scene and put it on the lightpost. 16 seconds!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Henry's Tattoo

I've designed some permanent upper arm decoration for my good friend Henry and made a life drawing of the session. The tattooist complained with a smile that it looked too neat and clean, so I made a raw version as well.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Regulation without gaps

New illustration for De Handhavingskrant. Three steps to the final illustration. As always for De handhavingskrant, lot's of fun!

Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm part of a fun project called 'Spätkauf Kunst Aktion' (Cornershop Art Action) SKA is an independent Berlin illustration / graffiti / street art festival. It will take place in several cornershops of Kreuzberg and Neukölln. Highlight on Saturday 6th: on a journey through the neighborhood with live drawing, performances and music. Click this link for more info!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Private Equity

New illustration for KLM about investments in private equity. Above is a serious version for management and pilots, below a more playfull one for ground personnel.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unwanted Business

New illustration for Secondant, about plans to clean up Amsterdams' famous red light district. Entrepreneurs who want to change their 'unwanted' business into a 'wanted' business can get statefunding for a makeover.
The girl says:"Now they come up with this! I could have had my makeover paid for!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

De Stadsmarinier

Nieuwe illustratie voor de Handhavingskrant. De stadsmarinier kan bestaande strukturen doorbreken en daardoor snel bij de juiste personen een oplossing bewerkstelligen.
New illustration for de Handhavingskrant about a special neighbourhood official who can break through existing structures in order to force a fast solution with the people concerned.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I've been commissioned to make cartoons for magazine 'Secondant', about crimeprevention and security. This is the first one, 4 more to come this year!

"Uncertainty about the consequences of the new minimal distance rule of 350 meter between schools and coffeeshops."

- 'You've raised the price!'
- 'I've got to put in gas more often!'

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Late Night Show

New promotional work for the Late Night Show by Het Volksoperahuis. Poster, flyer and beer coaster. From Ferbruary 18 untill April 29 in theatres. Go see the show! Check www.volksoperahuis.nl for the playlist.