Monday, October 1, 2012

Stammtisch projects

Every fridayafternoon we have an illustrator meeting at a café where we do some sketching, catch up on eachothers illustrative adventures, have coffee and lately we have given ourselves a random illustration assignment for next week. We write on small pieces of paper a main character, a sidekick, an object, a location and a time. Toss 'em in a het and grab one out for ach category. The random combination forms next weeks assignment. These are the results so far:

Main Character: A lonely Scientist
Sidekick: His duplicate
Object: A timemachine
Location: On a rooftop
Time: Medieval times
another version can be found here

Main Character: A Sailor
Sidekick: A goat in a suit
Object: A wagon
Location: Under a table
Time: Goldrush era
Other versions can be found here and here

Main Character: Jesus
Sidekick: A princess
Object: A stuffed animal
Location: In a disco
Time: Near future

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